
Feature: ESG Reports (I) – What is ESG Report?

Published on 23 May 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

In recent years, many listed companies have attached great importance to ESG and published ESG reports. What does this report have to do with us? 2021 ESG Summit will be held in Ireland on 31 May, while the World Environment Day is set on 5 June. Welcoming the two, we will be looking at the ESG reports of listed companies in Hong Kong and as well as the challenges and future direction of translation of these reports in three consecutive feature articles.

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“We and Us” and AI

Published on 12 May 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

The bilingual slogan of Hong Kong’s Chief Executive-elect John Lee’s earlier campaign, “我和我們” and “We and Us” aroused lively discussions among netizens as it seemed to look a bit weird in terms of logic, grammar and translation. Let’s set aside logic and grammar, purely translation-wise, could this issue be possibly avoided if his team used machine translation?

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Latest Innovative Development by HKEX

Published on 27 April 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (0388.HK) (“HKEX”) has disclosed their latest innovative development in their annual results announcement dated 24 February 2022 and their 2021 Annual Report published on 14 March 2022.

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DeepTranslate is moving into InnoCentre!

Published on 31 March 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

After years of hard work in Hong Kong Science Park, harvesting fruitful R&D outcome and impressive business growth, DeepTranslate will be relocating to Unit 604C, 6/F, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon on 1 April 2022. InnoCentre is an integral part of HKSTP’s innovation and technology ecosystem with FinTech-focused amenities, offering the highest level of convenience for startups, especially for current incubatees and incubation programme graduates of HKSTP. While we’re moving, what doesn’t change is our passion in innovative development and we’ll continue to deliver quality service and reliable AI platform!

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DeepTranslate shares latest development on-air!

Published on 15 March 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

Recently, Colin Hong, the CEO and one of the founders of DeepTranslate, was interviewed by Radio The Greater Bay, a radio channel of the China Media Group, on behalf of DeepTranslate as a winner of the Start-up Express development programme run by the HKTDC, to introduce the innovative translation platform developed by DeepTranslate.

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Tax Reduction for our R&D Partners as DeepTranslate qualified as DLRI

Published on 24 January 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

There is nothing better than having a great start in 2022 and receiving good news one after one! DeepTranslate has been designated by the Innovation and Technology Commission as a Designated Local Research Institution (“DLRI”). Not only does it mean a lot to DeepTranslate, our clients and cooperative partners may also in turn receive immense TAX REDUCTION!

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