HomeUncategorizedStreamlining Sustainable Reporting in Hong Kong

Streamlining Sustainable Reporting in Hong Kong

Published on 29 February 2024 by Kyle Chu

Hong Kong, 21 February 2024 – DeepTranslate, a leader in AI translation, and Carbon Exchange, a veteran in sustainable solutions, have joined forces to empower Hong Kong listed companies with efficient and compliant ESG reporting.

Boosting Efficiency, Embracing Sustainability

The partnership leverages DeepTranslate’s cutting-edge AI translation engine and Carbon Exchange’s innovative ESGBOT platform. ESGBOT simplifies ESG reporting and management, following HKEx, TCFD, and UNSDG frameworks.

What This Means for Listed Companies in HK:

  • Effortless ESG reporting: Generate ESG reports in days rather in weeks.
  • Bilingual efficiency: Seamless bilingual reporting specifically designed for Hong Kong listed companies.
  • Globally recognized standards: Adhering to industry frameworks that can be used for compliance reporting, green loans and other business purposes.

A Shared Commitment to Progress

This collaboration goes beyond technology. It’s a commitment to helping Hong Kong listed companies excel in sustainability and compliance, all while delivering tangible cost savings through efficient processes and optimized solutions.

Ready to join the journey? Contact us to get a free trial and exclusive discount.

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