DeepTranslate featured at the Asian Financial Forum
Published on 29 April 2022 by Jeffrey Wan
According to the 2021 Startup Survey conducted by Invest Hong Kong, there are now over 3700 startups in the city in 2021. Fighting for a spot in the market is never easy for startups, but we are glad to be the top of the top, as we were featured and received recognition at the 15th Asian Financial Forum (AFF).
The AFF organised by the Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council explored a sustainable future for the world’s economy and featured 60 sessions, including keynote speeches and in-depth discussions along with an array of activities such as exhibitions. More than 170 global business leaders, policymakers, financial and wealth management experts, entrepreneurs, tech giants and economists from 16 countries and regions spoke at the two-day AFF, attracting participation of thousands of global business leaders. Meanwhile, around 100 startups from various tech and fintech sectors spanning from blockchain, wealthtech, regtech, AI, and more were gathered at the forum to showcase game changing solutions to address business pain points and to help corporates with their digital transformation.
Among these outstanding startups, DeepTranslate has been selected by as one of the 11 Promising Hong Kong Startups Featured at the AFF. It is our pleasure to receive exposure to a massive number of participants at an international level and gain recognition from the media, which will further motivate us to develop our AI platform of better capability, more advance technology and higher reliability.
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