HomeUncategorizedAI Series: July 16 – AI Appreciation Day

AI Series: July 16 – AI Appreciation Day

Published on 13 July 2022 by Jeffrey Wan

Have you ever been amazed by the speed and capability of artificial intelligence (AI)? Indeed, AI development has been astonishing. To celebrate, the Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day will take place on July 16.

Established last year, Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day recognises the achievements and contributions by AI. Beginning more than half a century ago, AI development has seen exponential growth in recent years thanks to surging hardware advancement and the opportunities arisen amidst macro environment. The broad application of the technology across different fields including science, fintech, healthcare, big data etc., has unlocked the limits in capabilities, allowing breakthroughs that create a better living environment and unleash the possibility in development in enormous aspects and industries, from day-to-day use like Siri and chatbot, to business analytics, tracking COVID, and not to forget, DeepTranslate’s translation engine also uses deep learning AI technology!

AI is no longer mysterious like what we used to see in movies; AI is all round us, every day. AI is expected to be a gamechanger that will very soon apply to all sectors and bring disruptive influence to the society. While some people find it hard to adopt new technologies, the new mainstream will definitely be everywhere and change the way we live and drive the transformation of business models. Let’s embrace the technology!

In the coming AI Series, we will explore the fun side of AI. Stay tuned!

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